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Universal CityWalk Roll-out Program

NBCUniversal  |  In its expansion period, the Universal Studios CityWalk product was one of the pioneering forms of “urban entertainment center (UEC),” an early form what has become known as location-based entertainment – also known as out-of-home entertainment.   Universal Studios eventually developed CityWalk’s in Hollywood, Orlando, and Osaka, and discontinued further expansion to freestanding sites worldwide.


The UEC format was eventually embraced by Sony (Metreon, Odaiba) and Disney (Orlando, Anaheim), on the drawings boards of other film studios, and real estate developers in select location in the U.S. and elsewhere.



Retail-Entertainment Consultants

Mixed-Use Redevelopment Planning – Tokyo

Tokyo Dome Corp.  |   In our capacity as global real estate consultants, in this instance in Tokyo Prefecture (Japan).  Experiential guest programming and leasing mix recommendations, for repurposed amusement park adjacent to the Tokyo Dome.   The project as developed was dubbed, LaQua at Tokyo Dome.


About StoneCreek Partners - China

Roll-Out Program – Universal CityWalk Place-Product

MCA Recreation Corp. / Newfield Enterprises International  |  Preparation of roll-out licensing program for Universal’s themed CityWalk product, later as executive helming the program, overall roll-out program management.  Site selection and partnering were explored in “world city” locations worldwide, including insertion as part of retrofitting major existing mixed-use developments.


The concept was evolved for the roll-out program, focused on requirements for a freestanding location-based entertainment project.   Analytics were devised for evaluating “instantaneous demand” for the product given a specific location.  In addition to quantitative analytics a new behavior approach was also created, “guest trip motivation,” drawn from an exhaustive study of out-of-home consumer motivations for one kind of leisure-time experience versus another.


The retail-entertainment composition was also evolved to provide for successful implementation in many world city locations.    The foundation consisted of then-owned Universal Studios products.  At the time, the entertainment entity was the largest player in location-based entertainment in the U.S. with a major share of the concerts industry, film exhibition, licensed products, and specialty retail (Spencer Gifts), along with the theme parks group.

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